Wolof Traditional Marriage

Wolof Tribe

The Wolof people are a West African ethnic group found in northwestern Senegal, the Gambia, and southwestern coastal Mauritania. In Senegal, the Wolof are the largest ethnic group (43.3%), while they form a minority ethnic group with about 12% of the Gambian populace.

Like in the Gambia, the Wolof constitute a small fraction of the Mauritania population. They speak the Wolof language in the West Atlantic branch of the Niger-Congo family of languages.

The Wolof as a people are primarily Muslim and practice Islam as a religion. Details of the pre-Islamic religious traditions of the Wolof are unknown, and their oral rules state them to have been adherents of Islam since the founding king of Jolof.

Wolof Marriage Traditions and Customs  

Marriage in Senegal has greatly changed in recent times due to western influences. But in rural areas, the differences are not much.Traditional marriage in Wolof culture is unique, with maternal power playing a significant role. The institution of marriage is a kernel part of the Wolof culture. This assertion implies that to the Wolof people, a family is a critical unit that forms a building block for other social teams into which the Wolof society is organized. 

Wolof Traditional Marriage


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